Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Thursday, July 15, 2004


Have you ever wondered about how the life isn't always as you see it.

I've always taken pride in my ignorance, living in what I called my very own little bubble... problem is, bubbles aren't meant to be very protective and have a tendency to pop in times when u least expect it.
My first major 'pop' was when I was about 18. A friend of mine tried to kill herself with an overdose of pills. Thing is, I don't usually face situations like these in life. I love being in my bubble. I can see the world outside, that's certain... I know it happens to people... who know people. That sort of thing, but it's not something I'd expect from one of my friends. She was fine soon after, but it left me hanging around outside my bubble for awhile right after.
I realised that I don't really want to be outside... I keep hearing more and more of situations like these happening around me... being so near. But then no matter what, the situation don't really have a direct influence on me. Perhaps my bubble refuses to burst out like it did before?

It seems to me that I'm blissfully ignorant. It may seem mean to ignore the harsh realities of the world but I like it in my bubble where it's safe. I don't ever plan to leave my little realm if fate permits...


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