Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Ending it all with a bang...

The end is near, just one day left.

His days are packed with things to do, people to meet and so on. I've also been taking up a lot of his time, as much as I can afford to without getting barred for skipping to many classes.
We spent a night in Genting. Left on Monday morning and came back yesterday around 4pm. Although our plans were to watch a couple of movies up there (coz it's cheaper), the selection was kinda bad and they also increased the prices. So we only watched one. We spent most of the time in the room.
It's weird, just at the end, we're only now finally beginning to know each other. I feel like I'm only getting to know him and at the same time, I've known him for years. Anyway, throughout the night, we just played around, played blackjack, watched tv...

We left Genting taking the 1pm bus. When we reached KL, we ate banana leaf rice for lunch. Just as we did on the day we left, at the same place. The guys there remembered us too =) Then he bought me a bag (my going away gift!!! Although he was supposed to get me a Punjabi suit, but there wasn't enough time =( ) So he bought me a sling bag instead, that I chose. And of course... I got 2 new hamsters! He wanted to get 1 black and 1 white hamster, but the only black hamsters there (panda hamsters) were really small, and I don't particularly like dwarf types. I wanted the bigger ones, like my Fatty! Those only came in whitish light brown or darker browns, so we took 1 dark brown, and one more light brown. The lighter one is older, its hair is longer and fluffier. The dark one's still young, with short fur. Their both supposed to be female... I hope there's no mistake. The younger one might be a bit harder to tell. Anyway, I haven't chosen a name for the light one yet. Ozee named the darker one Hanamichi. I can't even think of a short name for Hanamichi.... Michi? Chi??? CY wants to call the light one Fatty... =| I might be calling her MoonShadow, after my RO character. We'll see...

Anyway, by the time I got back, I was dead tired again. So I skipped another class...yet again. This time I skipped International Accounting. I hope I don't do badly this sem. I've got loads of classes, 4 subjects in a short sem!!! CY keeps on asking if I'm planning to drop AIS but then I think I'd rather try to keep myself busy. Anyway, I won't be having a bf for long so I might as well be doing something worthwhile. My class-skipping habit will only be for this week. After tomorrow, I'll try to be a little bit more serious in my work.

I haven't shopped for all Ozee things yet. I still plan to buy him a Manchester Utd cap, a magazine and some other stuff to cook a dish for him to take along. Aneeta agreed to take me out to Alamanda tonight to buy the stuff. Hopefully that works out, coz tonight will be the last chance I have to shop for him. Anyway, I bought all the other stuff already. I've packed some chocs and snacks for his family, 2 crystal bracelets and earrings for his mum and sis, a pair of sunglasses for his bro... It was funny how I dragged him to the stall in Mines and made him try on the glasses. Originally, I wanted to buy one for him. So he thought that it was going to be for him and when both of us couldn't decide on which pair to pick, I just told him, "Pick anyone, it's not for you anyway..." he just grabbed one and that's it!
Anyway, I feel hectic still....9 hours of classes today, skipped AIS (yes I skipped another). That's why I'm here now, when instead I should be sitting in class listening to Ah John.

Off to take a nap now. I've got to leave an hour before the next class so that I can donate blood before class. Goodnite!

Mood : Missing him terribly already. I saw his name on frienster yesterday, and I just felt the urge to leave him another testimonial. More I think about him, the more I miss him, even though he hasn't left yet. I love him...

Status : For auction... anyone willing to go higher than RM1.60?


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