Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Thursday, September 23, 2004

The official ending of the exams...

This is the more appropriate ending date...

I sat for my supplementary paper yesterday. Although I couldn't answer everything, I guess I'm pretty glad to hear that my first question, a whole 20 marks, which I couldn't answer was the exact same question as the one during the finals. So I won't be the onely one who wasn't able to produce the right answer! Yeay!!! Misery loves company!

Hmmm... apart from that, it seems like quite a lot has happened. Nothing really big, but I feel like I've been extremely busy. I'm pretty sure this sem is going to be an extremely busy one. Apart from having 4 subjects during this short sem, I've to deal with Ozee's leaving. But that will only be for slightly over a week more...
I've only started attending 2 classes so far, but already we've had plans for midterms, a list of assignments out, some presentations lined-up... I feel tired just thinking about them!
Maybe it's for the best that I don't have a boyfriend for now. I really should focus more on the acedamic part of my life. Plus, I do intend to improve my marks on clubs and societies involvement. Problem is, I've joined a few events, or rather signed up for them, but there's no news on them as to date. I signed up for Japanese Culture Week just yesterday. Previously, I volunteered to help out with FOM Night (doubt it'll work out, or at least doubt I'll be in it) and the World's Event for debating. Well, I didn't join the debating event, just helping out with the organizing part.

Then the main impact of my life currently, Ozee!!! Hmmm... he might be leaving next Thurs. Meaning there's exactly 1 week from now before my boyfriend of more than 2 years and 2 months will be leaving. I'm not even sure if we'll ever see each other again. I'm sad, but I don't know... I think I'll be hitting full impact only after he's gone. That's usually how it is isn't it? It happens when the loneliness starts to crawl in and you realise you're totally on your own.
I went out with him to Mines on Sunday... we were planning to go Alamanda but it didn't work out. The bus wasn't that frequent so to save time we thought it'd be better to end up in Mines instead. We didn't really do much, just walked around the shops. I bought a few things. And I was extremely happy with my blouse and halter top! I paid Rm30 thinking that it was RM15 each, but I forgot that the halter I picked up was actually RM20. And the cashier returned RM5 to me thinking I paid RM40. Hmmm... not the nicest thing to do in the world but I took the change and walked off... only outside did I figure out why my purchases were so cheap.
We had dinner in Sushi King... Ozee suddenly decided to eat japanese beef and dragged me there. I kept on telling him not to regret it. Eventually, we spent about RM43 for our dinner, and he said "43 bucks and I'm not even full yet!". Somehow, I a still think japanese food isn't suitable for him. I bought him a box of Chips Ahoy cookies to fill up his tomach later though.
Anyway, we might be going there again later today. Unfortunately, my class is from 2-4pm. Right in the middle of the day *sigh* We originally planned to go to MidValley but that's a bit far if we leave at 4pm. There's also plans for dinner in that Pakistani restaurant in Subang. Sheash Mahal or something. I always thought it sounded like something someone would say complaining about the prices =P Actually, I don't think that place would be too expansive. I wanted to go eat their buffet lunch but Ozee kept saying that everyone's too busy with classes to go there for lunch and they probably didn't have much variety for that sort of price =( But I still want!!!*pout*

Hmmm... I think I should end here. Ayana's getting pissed coz her pc can't start or keeps restarting itself. And her ex isn't anywhere to be found. Not to mention his handphone is now missing after being robbed. Anyway, I'll stop.

Mood: Not sure... Feeling a little rushed and lost not knowing what to do and how to help Ayana


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