Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Friday, October 15, 2004

Moving on

Life's going on smoothly. Afew occasional bumps but nothing to be concerned of.

I've been doing more shopping than I'm comfortable with right now. On one hand, my attitude doesn't really care about it, but my pocket does. I think I'm spending waaaayyy too much.
I spent the day in KL yesterday after AIS tutorial. I skipped Company Law class... again. Been skipping a lot of his classes recently.
Managed to get a nice cheap box for sending Ozee's present in. If I knew the boxes were available at the head post office right from the beginning, it would have spared me so much trouble. I added another 2 watches to my collection. I know I'm feeling uncomfortable with the amount of money I spend but I can't help but want even more watches. I find the watches there cute and nice. And cheap too!

Problems with Tink seem to surfacing these days. I act like I don't really care but I hate the way she can seem nice to me one minute and then ignore me another. She gives me shudders the way she gives me the cold shoulder. I'm trying not to take it so personally but it hurts. I wonder if it's something to do with me mentioning that I didn't want to get too close to her? I told her it's because her treatment towards me seemed unstable. I think now it got even more unstable than before. I don't really want to question her about it. So I'll just stick to avoiding her.

Today's my parent's anniversary. I totally forgot about it T_T Only remembered it when my mum mentioned it to me on yahoo. Haven't got them anything, don't even know what to get. Then there's Mum's bday on Sunday and monday's Kogila's bday. So many events going on. Funny, the only present I bought (a watch) is for Kogila. It seems so much more easier to buy her a present than one for my parents.

Mood : Not feeling anything, but wondering when I'll be going to the library today


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