Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Of RO, new friends and exams...

I seem to be digging a deeper and deeper hole for myself...

Last week was study week, or so they say. It was okay for me though, Kogila and Aneeta went home on Monday. CY booked her flight home for Wednesday... meaning that I had the place to myself. And so, I stayed on here till Friday, studying as much as I can. I knew that I wouldn't be touching my books much as soon as my feet touched ground at home.

But I didn't expect for myself to be EXTREMELY addicted to RO. At first I told myself, it's okay... P2P's gonna start soon. Play it now while you still can. I played seemingly non-stop from the moment I came home on Fri till Tues when I came back. I woke up btw 10-11 am, sat behind the pc, got up only for food, n slept at 5-6 am almost everyday. /swt

Surprisingly enough, I met more people in the past few days then I had over the past few weeks on RO. I think it had something to do with needing to accomplish priesthood before P2P, before I was forced to quit. And so I did something I rarely do... partying. I admit to being a soloist, I don't particularly like being tied down to another character or a group. Similarly, I don't join guilds for the same reason.

Mark of course, had been there for me right from the start... since we first met a few weeks ago. He was the first person I partied with on ORO, and he was with me every week. But then, came along other friends. There was DarkGeo, who I met through the constant plea for a heal. Until he actually stopped training to have a chat with me. He's the first person who gave me flowers there ^_^ Sweet guy, seems popular too. Through him I met Skyce, his guild leader and Imoshen / Quiet Water who invited me to join her guild, which I did for only a few days. He even proposed, which was so cute then... some guy asked us if we were married when we were chatting together in Orc Dungeon. He said brb... disappeared, and came back with a flower ring and proposed /heh.

Then there was R.A.G.N.A.R.O.K. who's a sin. He's a weird one... Indon guy studying in NZ. He seems to relate well to me, or so he claims. Kept asking me to party him to hit high orcs. He was the one who first labelled me a 'ind aco'. Only then that I realised how true he was :P We went dating to Prontera and Payon /heh. It's nice to meet a chinese who can't speak chinese, we both suffer the same problems T_T He asked for my MSN but until now, I haven't heard from him so well... there goes my date...

Daniel or Violence is the knight who ran around throwing free stuff... apparently for no reason. He later decided to help some acos, and a hunter to lvl up in GH. He brought his hunter, really high lvl, nice protector for us. He seemed truly nice, helpful and generous. Spent loads of zenys on stuff like ygg and others. But I guess he had the zenys to do it. After we quit GH, he went on to help me lvl up in Orc with his knight. Great guy...

Bigges is the most interesting I've come accross so far. Merchant, chatted with him the first time when I was in need of blue gems. Can't remember why I continued chatting with him, but at one point he said he was thinking of starting a new character, another merchant. So I helped him out... I kinda like tanking novices anyway ^_^ (which is surprising, coz last time with Mark, I said I looked up to him because he tanked, I won't tank, I only heal) I saw him through right till he became a merchant and a couple of lvls after that. After which he paid back the favour by staying up till 7am to increase 1 pathetic job lvl for me /heh. Pity we couldn't even share our partying, I guess that would have been a lot faster, but his merchant was a lot higher lvl than my aco was. Chatted with him a couple of times later, I think he was the only person on RO that I knew personal stuff about. So he seemed more like a friend than the others. And then we exchanged MSN, and got talking for hours yesterday night. I guess he must have been bored since he didn't have RO installed on his PC after formatting it. But it was great fun chatting with him. He has the qualities of people that I usually avoided meeting, unless they just happen to come across me. I don't think I really have anything against them, but I guess I avoid trouble. He smokes, drinks, clubs... so far its kewl coz that's like Ozee's friends anyway. Hmmm... not very sure if he's got into fights, probably got into and out of it by talking crap :P The he's the type who wants to stop studying and get a job :-& I'm attracted to his way of life... or at least hearing about it. He's interesting in that sense, but he reminds me too much of Ozee... from sleeping problems to smoking (and regretting smoking), problems with an ex, some tragedies in his past (Dad left his family when he was a kid)... funnily enough, I partly hate how I feel for him.
I keep thinking about the time when I got to know Ozee, and somehow felt a need and desire to make evrything right in his life. I was prepared to sacrifice almost everything I had, I wanted so desperately to show Ozee that the world was not a really bad place after all, that everything was gonna be better in the future. Of course, that was at the beginning :P before I started taking him a little too much for granted... not to say that I didn't love him coz I do... still do... he's my sweetheart.
Anyway, back to Biggles... it just occured to me that so many things about him and Ozee was similar, even the feeling I have... no not the love part :P Just the need to make or at least try to make him as happy as I can. Not sure why... I don't think it's something he needs. He seems to be doing well now, doesn't show any contempt for life like Ozee did last time. But I still find that he's the 2nd person in my life that I feel that way for. It's a problem for me though... he keeps running through my head. I don't wanna get too attached to an online friend because it never lasts. But I'm missing the chatting when he's not around. Furthermore, I hate the idea that I'm probably in the fragile position I hate again... damn I wish I wasn't so sensitive about things. I don't know if I still want to talk to him... as much as I like him, he's a distraction to my studies. A nice one though :P but still a distraction. Problem is, when I'm not talking to him, he's also a distraction, sigh... seems like there's no point in wanting to avoid him so I might as well talk to him ^_^
At some point or rather I'll probably scare him away anyway :P

My revision isn't going all that well, but surprisingly, this sem, I've just given up. I'm not in a mood to study... and I don't particularly care if my grades drop. However, I guess the only thing that I'm concerned about is if this may be the first sem that I may not be getting on the Dean's list??? Furthermore, I've only just signed up for Golden Key... first sem after joining, am I going to prove to them that I'm a useless member? :P Not to mention that my midterm marks weren't all that good after all. I seem to have lost the zest for studying. Oh well, only just 2 more sems of studies and 2 sems of industrial training and I'm off into the real world!!! Unless I decide to do Masters... still haven't decided. The part about doing it in Australia was decided long before though... now it's just a matter of doing it or not. I'd love the experience but is it necessary? I think I'm closer to yes at the moment... after meeting Dad's ex-student the other day...ahhh... I forgot his name already. But I have to say, he impressed me sooo much. His knowledge and experience in the economic and finance field. I want to study like he did ^_^ MBA in finance... I hope to be able to seem as knowledgeable as he seemed to me :P

And so I've wasted another hour or so doing anything and everything but studying. Go back to the books!!! Read!!! Take it all in..... hmmm.... maybe I should cook lunch, watch Gilmore Girls... ^_^ Ooohh...a lil neopetting... BAD BAD BAD... hai~~~ go study T_T


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