Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Moving house

Well, I had to move again.

The website that I used for my blog... I was getting a little worried about the people who aware of its existense. No one supposed to know about it of course. But someone might know. Am I just being a little too frantic about the whole issue? I though that it wouldn't worry me at the beginning but knowing that some of my friends were actually aware of the first one and its location made me a bit uncomfortable. This blog was meant to be slightly personal.

I wonder if it's actually wrong for a person to say something bad about another person through the blog... I mean, sure, it's wrong to say anything bad at all. But what if it's just a personal judgment, an opinion. Not meant to slander in public, just for blogging purposes. After all, some people blog without telling anyone about it. It is used as a personal diary or something. We should all be allowed our own thoughts and opinions right? If it was said through the blog with no intention of spreading a bad name, wouldn't it be like telling only yourself? Except for the fact that people can actually access your thoughts so maybe it really isn't. On one hand, the blogger should be aware that this site is public so it would never really be totally personal, hence one should always be careful of what is being said. But on the other hand, if no one was supposed to know about it, it's not entirely their fault either, right?

I'm not making this point in reference to myself. I suppose there is a possibility that it may apply on occasional entries, but I'm not actually aware of any incident that I was being a total b*tch about something or someone. Even if I have, apparently I've conveniently forgot about it. Well, actually I have once, but for some reason, my entry didn't quite get through becuase of that 'cannot find server' problem. Whenever that happens, my entire entry disappears and even if I move back using history, there's no sign of it. I was once really pissed about someone and about something, and I just had to let everything out. And I knew that the person might read it. But it didn't actually happen, I had let everything out, but it all disappeared and all I could think of was... well, I guess it just wasn't meant to happen.

Knowing the 'secret' blog of someone you know personally can be very hurting, especially if it really was meant to be a secret. His/her thoughts weren't meant for u... and no one honestly really wants to know every single little detail about what another person is thinking right? Ok, so maybe some people do want to know but it's not meant to be that way...

Anyway... I'm sticking to this place for the moment till I start getting paranoid once again. The Scott issue was a bit personal to me. I wonder, why am I so worried about being judged if I don't think that what I did was really anything bad? Maybe it's still the whole issue of flirting and running away... I'll try to make it up to him later.


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