Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Monday, July 19, 2004

Memories of the past...

It's nice to chat with my dad sometimes...
The topic of my chat with him this afternoon was some stuff which happened in the past. They weren't particularly fond memories, heck I don't even remember some of them. But there are 2 things that I found worthy of mentioning.
Firstly, it was rather interesting that my brother was born chubby, and I was tiny. My dad said he looked like a little monk with the chubby face and bald head. We even have a framed photo of him gleeing away happily leaning against the armrest of a sofa. Right after that photo was taken, he fell off the sofa, toppled over the armrest. My dad likes to point out that he was too fat then. Funnily enough, he grew to be really skinny in his both primary and secondary school days.
As for me, the tiny baby grew to be really greedy. I'd pick up stuff from the floor only to stuff it into my mouth thinking that all things are edible. My dad said I was a real nuisance because I'd be running around in my baby roller, trying to pick up things and toppling over all the time. I grew up to be really chubby and put up with a lot of fat jokes in my schooling days. I still remember the 'kind' words some people used for me..."She's not fat... just big-boned". Isssshhhh...
Oh, my brother's height shot up during his university days and grew broader, so he's not skinny and gawky anymore. I lost weight when I entered university as well, so I'm not fat (but I'd still love to be thinner).
Another story my dad reminded me off today was one that happened when I was in Form 5. I can't remembered what argument I got into with my parents that time. But it was quite a big one, and my dad had threatened to send me off to study in Catholic High school. I dreaded that place. It was full of chinese educated people, and I know I'd never survive there, being a 'banana' and all. What I did the next day was locked both my room as well as my brother's (his was connected to mine and he was studying in Johor), and placed a note on my door... 'Since I'll be changing schools, there's no point in attending school today'. And I nicely slept without bothering to wake up.
Boy was my mum pissed. She knocked on my door repeatedly really loudly and my dad had to talk to me to get me to go to school (it helped that he promised not to change my school). My dad later added..."even until today, I never quite understood the logic of that note". Funny, even until today, I still see a lot of logic in it!!! Oh, my mum made me do all my cooking and washing and everything else for awhile because she kinda refused to be my mum =P It took awhile for her to cool off...
It may not really be the nicest memories but it's still nice to think back about things that happened in the past sometimes. It always amazes me how serious things can be when that particular event is taking place at that time. When we are 'in the moment', emotions run much stronger and you can't really be a judge of the situation fairly without being influenced by that emotion. It's very much later when you look back at your life that you realise a lot more had happened, that you were too blind to see then. 

Mood : I'm not sure, it's kinda a mixture due to my memories but I am a bit frustrated with the quality of the assignments I'm involved in these days


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