Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Happy Birthday Jin

Hmm.... funny how things work. I spend the whole day with him on my mind, a smile on my face and at night, I wait eagerly just to see him online.
And yet, when I finally do see him, all that was spoken was just a few lines. And then we both went off... I guess it didn't help that I said something stupid like 'sometimes you make my heart flutter'. Which was kind of true... and yet, it is not something one needs to hear. After that, we both just didn't know what to say, so I decided to work on my assignment, and he said he wanted to go to sleep. *Sigh...
I forgot to tell him that I wanted to owe him a birthday meal though ^_^ Hehehe, hours and hours after I supposedly left to do my work, all I did was read a few pages and lay in bed. Can't focus (this is bad... if I got hooked on to another one of these things again, I can wish my grades goodbye yet again), so much for aiming to finish 2 assignments tonight. Even if I stay up till dawn, I'll most likely be able to complete only 1 of them, the easier one >.<
Anyway, just thought I'd add in the reason behind my smile for today (apart from Jin himself ^_^):

Anyway, my birthday is coming. I can't wait... not because of presents or parties (since none of these things really exists when it comes to my birthday) but our group, Kogila, CY, Aneeta, Montha & I have been gathering four birthday celebrations at that Telepon buffet BBQ Steamboat place. It's always great fun, just grabbing food, screaming at the smoke, chasing for ice cream despite being stuffed up to our ears with food and just chatting the night away. It's something that I really look forward to. So far, Kogila, CY and I have confirmed our spots ^_^ Just need the other 2 and we're set! Looking forward to watching the JLo movie Shall We Dance as well. Not too big a fan of hers but an occasional romance dance type of movie seems like a good spoonful of sugar for my heart LOL. Well, not so sure about that but I do want to watch it.
Oh, and given a choice, I think I'd love to drag Jin out to that BBQ Steamboat place for dinner. Hardly romantic but always a great place for a good time =)


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