Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Brain freeze buffet...

I wouldn't mind going through the idea of brain freeze only for the sake of a Haegan Daz ice cream buffet.

Ok, so I haven't actually gone for it yet, but the thought of it seems rather appealing. Maybe I can try to drag my parents into it this weekend =D Yummy for my tummy!!! Heck, I'll probably be feeling guilty for weeks if I ever decide to go for it. Just imagine all those calories!!! =(

So I'm feeling great at the moment (even despite the pain I'm still suffering which I've now identified as heartburn) because I've finally completed another of my seemingly-never-ending list of assignments. Hmm... I think I have only 2 more to go after this. Not only that, my jeans gets the top priority of my free time once again (for the moment). I hope to finish them by tomorrow!!!

I don't really know why I'm not bothered by all this heartburn issue. My friends tried to persuade me to see a doc, but I refused. Mainly, I feel that this is another one of those things that will pass in a couple of days. I even ate a lot for supper again (2 pieces of fried chicken and 10 pieces of lekor)!!! Problem is, I still think that the heartburn had been caused by my late night snack 2 nights ago... but I'm as stubborn as a mule, I guess. I don't really care about all these small things.

Mood : Still hungry and thinking about food =P


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