Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Friday, July 23, 2004

Late night jitters...

I've learnt one thing new, staying up all night, heartburns and coffee don't go well together.

We finally made a move to finish up the HR assignment to hand it in by this morning. The work was split, and at night, everyone started getting their parts done (almost everyone... you know who you are! Sleepyhead!!!)
We worked and worked, and I think the fact that I was doing the research on my dad's company as well as having gotten so much help and information from him, I really wanted to make this assignment work. Furthermore, it was one of the few assignments that we really put a lot of effort into the research and I think most of my group members were quite satisfied with it. So is it really surprising for me to stay up all night editing the parts?
I had a lot of help though, Ayana kept asking me if there was anything else she could do, but I had to let her sleep because she was going to have a long trip on the bus today, and I know she can never really sleep there. Tink (when she finally got up =P) helped loads too. When I realised I couldn't edit everything and not kill myself, I just handed her more share of the work.
But I have to admit... I quite liked the finally resukt of our work. It looked nice... with all the photos (I even used the more expensive wire binding instead of plastic one to make it look more impressive!), the purple ribbon tying the hard cover brochure for the millionnaire's home (I still can't get over the cost of the homes!!! I so wish I was rich enough for a place there! =(  ) and of course, not forgetting our little bribe, Pak Lah's book, sponsored by BKP.

By the time I had finished up as much as I could, it was 9 am already. And I did have a cup of coffee earlier in the night. So I took an hour nap while Ayana handled the last bits and pieces which I didn't tie up. She needed to go to the bus stop but it was raining. And knowing that my other group member needed to go to campus to hand in the other assignment and buy some printer ink, they arranged to drive my car there and back. It was after my nap, when they wanted to take the car out that I realised how out of sync I was from the lack of sleep, the coffee and the heartburn. I woke up aching all over, really sleepy and disorganised, and felt extremely jittery. I'm sure the jitter part had a lot to do with the coffee but it usually affects me only after taking at least 3 cups. When Ayana searched all over my table for the car keys, with my help, I couldn't even think straight. Not making any progress, I decided to go wash up my face. It was only when I calmed down there that I managed to think straight and remembered that it was in my bag. All went well right till the part that we exited the guardhouse. We forgot the smartcard damnit!!! We couldn't park the car back inside the carpark lot without the card. So in the rain (looking like a lost for for hope, drug addict) I walked back to get it and did all we needed (It didn't help that Montha kept on giving me a heart attack with her driving skills). Thank god we got back safely =P

I think the funniest thing that happened today, that really made my day was handing in the assignment. I went to campus around 2.20pm and was really worried that the lecturer wouldn't be in because it was prayer time (of course it hit my head that I seriously doubt he'd have gone for prayers). I didn't mind dropping off the assignment to him without meeting him but the bribe needed an explanation.
I knocked on his door... no reply. Tried the handle, it was locked. Then I decided to peep through the hole... Damn!!! He was sitting behind his desk but he was ignoring me...jerk! So I knocked again, and with no reply I left. There wasn't even a box for me to leave the assignment in! Just as I was walking off, I heard the creak of the door opening. He walked out with his handphone in his hand, that must have been what had been occupying him. So I gave a big smile (fake =P) and walked up to him with the assignment in hand.
He gave me a shock when he took the assignment out of my hand ignoring the cute purple ribbon that we tied to hold the brochure to the assignment =( But he made me leap for joy when he said I made it in time for the bonus marks. And also, he looked at the thickness of it and said I think you'll get quite high marks...WOOHOO!!! Heheh... overreacting here. But then he saw the brochure and ask what it was. I told him that it was a brochure of one of BKP's projects, and he was surprised. "Fattest brochure I ever saw". With a grin, I told him about the RM1.6mil house. You should have seen the look in his eyes... it was glimmering. I think he must have really been thinking of how he can take advantage of a company like this. He kept saying things like, "I can really use this for my research". And when I handed the bribe over saying it was a gift from BKP, he was so anxious to get in touch with the company. He asked for the GM of HR's phone number, and all I was agree to hand it to him later. I didn't want to let it out that my dad has heard a lot of insulting views of him from me =P In fact, I didn't want him to waste my dad's time with his crap...hahaha. Obviously I couldn't say all that. So I smiled and said thank you.

So... am I really a phony? I criticize him fully in my head but I would never, or at least avoid it as far as possible, show all my thoughts. But I feel that at least my opinions of him are mere criticisms. I'd hate to be something like Ayana who can easily decide if she hates someone. Yeah, she hates him, or at least I think she does, considering how often she mentions it.

Mood : Distracted... trying to think, type, play online games, watch Malaysian Idol on TV all at once isn't easy. But multi-tasking is certainly my way of life


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