Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Lib Trip

It's been ages since I last spent my day slogging away in the library.

Although technically, I wasn't really there the entire day, because I had been in class most of the time too. But still, I can't help but recalled the early university days when I spent my time in the library when exam period was near. I would even suffer running through the heavy rain just to get there, and sat in the library shivering in the cold which was 100 times worst after walking through the storm.
When my boyfriend stayed on campus, I used to drag him with me there to study. I think it did us both good. I dragged him because he isn't much of a studier and I wanted him to hit the books more. And by doing so, I ended up studying more as well. Maybe that's the reason why my grades back then were much higher than they are now.
Although I still manage studying at home, my focus and concentration isn't very good here. The computer next to me isn't helping at all. Generally, I enjoy taking breaks from studying, and it's quite good for me as it keeps me fresh. But it becomes a problem when my breaks are longer than my study periods.

So anyway, I was in the library today in between classes and after class as well. I have to admit that I managed to cover more today than I did over the last 3/4 days studying at home. I'm even considering going back there tonight or tomorrow morning. I think I'll try to make an effort this semester to see if I can actually pull my grades upwards instead of its constant downward slope. I'm just happy that so far it's only been sliding down slowly. Gradually but slowly. I'm hoping to give it a boost... all I have to do is just try a little harder. But even that seems like a major task. But I guess you'll never know till you try.

Mood : Eager to dig my nose back into the books!!! Really? Noooooo... I could use a nap now, maybe after my nap =P


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