Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Mood Swings

I hate it when I have to put up with mood swings.

This morning, I had to face one. I had no idea what hit Ayana but she refused to reply to anything I say or she sometimes responded with grunts. I don't even think it was due to something I did... or maybe it was, I just don't know what it was. But I usually think it's probably something to do with her boyfriend since she can never stop complaining about something he did or did not do. But fortunately, as the day progressed, her mood swings passed...
After today, I started wondering. She's been having mood swings for quite awhile now. Is this typical for her? Or has this been mroe frequent only recently? I can't particularly tell... I mean, sure I've been her roommate for the whole of last year. But back then, we were hardly in the room except to sleep so there's not much to say. And when we were in the hall with our pcs, we were sitting on the opposite ends of the room. So it is possible that I don't really know her that well despite being her roommate.

Anyway, 3 things brightened up my day today.
Firstly, Selvan's getting married!!! Yeay!!! I'm so happy for him and his fiance... Met her only once but she's really sweet. And I can't believe it, because Jane and I used to tease him so much about this. He was always really shy about it. And it really was really hard to tell but he was a very conservative person. He even objected to holding hands in public... hahahaha... it was really quite fun to tease him. I doubt I'd be attending his wedding though. It's so far! All the way in Kuantan... =(

I also found out just this morning when I had to clean up the junk mail from my mailbox that I'd won another contest from the Star website. I can't even remember what I won from them the last time. It was such a long time ago. Oh well, this time I got an organizer (worth RM150 apparently, probably all hype) under a contest for King Arthur. I find this extremely ironic. When I saw the contest, it only required a person to send online postcards to friends or acquaintances. And each person was only allowed to send 1. I was thinking how impossible it was to win anything like this because it depends entirely on luck... but here I am. Winner of a brand new organizer!!! =P I had sent a postcard to ozee because he had commented on the outfit Keira Knightley was wearing during the movie where he claimed he could see her boobs... ISH!!! Idiot!

Oh, and lastly, I went back to the small little sale carnival going on in central plaza again. Today was supposed to be the last day. I'm glad I went. Although I was supposed to be on a budget...damnit, I can never quite control myself. But I bought 3 new clothes, 2 tops n 1 shorts. I can't help it... they were having a last day sale and some outfits were only 5 bucks each =(

So all in all, wasn't too bad a day. I've got plans to hit the books tonight (actually, I'm supposed to start of now but I'd rather sleep after this) and a dinner date with ozee. I've decided to spend more time with him even if it's just a simple meal.

Mood : Sleepy *yawn* I think I sleep more during exam periods =P



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