Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Shopping Carnival

MMU's very own part of the Malaysian Carnival Sale is in Central Plaza...

What's the point of having these sales when we're all stuck so far away from it all I wonder? Discounts and bargains everywhere... shopoholics like me tend to get all tingled up during this season. Unfortunately, both the Government and MMU have decided to team up on a conspiracy against us students here. Every Mega Sale is 'strategically' timed to start just before our final exams starts and ends just before our exams end!!!

Thankfully, this time, FOM's decided to organize a small little shopping carnival for us miserable little people stuck here. Not bad too I might add. I'm not too proud of it (still feeling the guilt) but I'm happy to have spent almost 50 bucks today on miscellaneous items =P. 3 tops, 3 pairs of earrings and 2 bags to add onto my pile of 'stuff that I want but may never use'.

I can never really understand what is it about all this shopping that drives me into a frenzy sometimes... most of the times, I even forget about budgetting and dive straight into my wallet to obtain items that may be of no use to me. Or maybe they can be of use (I have to try to convince myself that rite?) but I hardly end up using them. But I really do get a kick out of shopping... there's a certain sense of euphoria whenever I see some item (usually clothes) that looks nice and (reasonably, I hope) cheap that I can rightfully claim as my very own!

I am now a proud owner of enough clothes to fit 2 closets, a box full of items I just had to have but could never actually wear (mainly because those items are clothings that my mom would just cringe at and maybe even disown me if she ever saw me wearing them), and a lot more.
And yet... I'm also typically one of those girls who complain almost everyday that they have absolutely nothing to wear!

Heck, I have no intention to change my shopping habits anytime soon. But I guess I got to... I can't expect my dad to pay my bills for the rest of my life can I? =P Although that seems like a rather nice thought... hmmm...
I promise to grow up... some day... probably later than sooner...

Mood : Sick & tired of being sick (Caught a cold and runny nose this time... is it just me or am I falling sick a lot these days? )


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