Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Yet another civil war...

I hate it when I feel stuck in between someone else's war... even worse if it's my own, but I still hate the former.

I feel like it's deja vu. Back then, when a small light was sparked, it blew into a big flame and although now it's not as bad, the flame still keeps on burning.
Ayana is rather sensitive and more easily irritable as compared to me. She's always been this way, I guess. Not too sure about that. And while it doesn't really bother me too much, once in awhile I think it's not a good habit. Back then, she got into a fight with some friends and housemates of ours. Until now, since we've split up with them, we hardly say a word to each other.
I doubt this event's as serious as that was but still, it reminds me of those cold icy feelings I got whenever I was in the hall with all of them then. No one spoke to each other. If someone did, it'd be like breaking the ice. Really uncomfortable.
Right now, things have calmed quite a bit and I'm glad. I can't take all the tension. It's bad for my heart =D Apparently, things errupted while I was sleeping... I think. Something about someone leaving the lights on, Tink's boyfriend accidently messaging Ayana about it, and a whole lot more. Poor Tink, got stuck there in between too.

While chatting with her earlier, I mentioned that if I was the one doing things like that (leaving the lights on, not cleaning up the house), no one makes much of a fuss about it. But right after having said that, I was doubting my words. Was it really true? After giving it some thought, Ive decided... perhaps they do make a fuss about it. They've brought it up with me a couple of times. But I just don't bother ever listening. I'm the stubborn type who can't seem to change my ways, and couldn't be bothered too. I play my part only when I feel like it. And yes, I don't care if it seems selfish.
Honestly, at the end of the day, I think that some people are more sensitive over certain things than others. While some people will have a problem with me not doing something, at the same time, won't I be having problems about them doing or not doing some other thing? So why make a big issue out of it? You can confront that person if you want to. In fact, if all you're going to do is sit around and bicker behind someone's back, you can't blame that person about what's bothering you. Only because you've never made the fact known. But at the same time, you should always be aware that the other person's probably having some problems about your habits too.

Anyway, so far, although I know my habits aren't the easiest to live with, as far as I'm concerned, no one makes too fuss about it... yet. I personally believe that these little things don't seriously bother anyone too much. It's only when they're combined with other issues that make it a problem. It's like if you have other problems with that person, you'll suddenly start noticing every little bad habit that person has. Scrutinizing every move and everything. So while I do have these bad habits, I don't think I've gotten into any major problems with the others. Therefore, I'm safe for the moment...

Blah... I'm tired of all these chat. I tend to ignore my bad habits, at most think about them. But I don't change them.

Mood : still a bit grumpy


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