Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Saturday, August 14, 2004

And the days fly by...

It's been ages since I last made an entry. I must admit I'm getting tired. Of course, it might have a lot to do with the approaching exams.

The exams are really killing me. I don't ever recall studying this hard for a university final exam. Getting up before 9 a.m. everyday just to make the long and tedious walk all the way to the library. Spending the entire day there, usually skipping an entire's day meal till it's time for dinner. In fact, past few days I've been coming back home after 12, no breaks in between like I did earlier on. Back then I came back for dinner and a nap. But I found myself getting too lazy to continue studying after my nap. So now it's all the way books books books!!! It doesn't help that I spend time on the pc till about 4 a.m. every night before I hit the sack.

Hmm, apart from that I've been with Ozee a bit... I guess he got tired of waiting for me to at his door so he's decided to come to me in the library instead =P. He only pops in at night, but it's better than nothing. I get to have dinner with him too!!! =) I missed those days when we had dinner together everynight.

I've been going through loads of DIY books on decorating and refurnishing my room, as well as other similar stuff recently while in the library (hey, I needed the break!). Now, I've got my mind set on revamping my bedroom these holidays. I've been putting it off for years, and originally, I was going to put it off again. This time due to the fact that I might be moving in 5 years. I thought there was no point in revamping it, and spending quite a huge sum on it if I wasn't going to be staying there. But now after looking at the same pictures and new ideas 3 to 5 times, I'm leaning towards "why the heck not???"
All I'm missing are some tools and equipment... but I think I can persuade daddy or mummy to sponsor my little event =D I've already got a rough idea of how I want the walls done, so I'll start with that. I think one main problem I'll be having is how the heck am I going to move out all my junk before I can get started with anything else??? T_T I'll probably figure out something though...
But I really really MUST remember to take some before and after photos...

Another thing I'm kind of embarking on recently is the possibility of a trip somewhere with Ozee before he leaves. It's not going to be easy. Alibi's are the hardest part. Even if I say that I'll be going with my housemates, there are the photos to think off, the planning, who's going and who's not... ARRRGGGHHH!!! But I really need to do this =( Just one last trip, hopefully to the beach, before he goes. We'll see how that goes. I need to focus more on my exams rather than all these little things...

That's all... I've a feeling there won't be another entry till... hmmm... after my last paper?

Mood: I've got a slight ache on my shoulder that's making my a tad irritated. Funny my mood ain't really drained out yet considering my lack of sleep but I'm not to say on top of the world as well.

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