Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Saturday, September 18, 2004

No more Holiday...

Tomorrow, or rather later today (it's almost 3 am) will be the day I go back to Cyberjaya. Class starts on Monday *sigh*

Yes, it's time to face the truth... and I haven't even started on my supp paper yet! It's confirmed that the paper will be on the 20th (Wednesday). I plan to spend Sat and Sun with Ozee and then hit the books right after that. Probably be slogging away in the library once again. I keep procrastinating my studies...

Anyway, I don't think my room will be completed by tomorrow before I leave, but it's okay... I've checked with mum, Dom's only coming back in 1 month time... I have more than enough time over the following weekends to clear up the mess I created in his room =P
I rearranged the positions of my furniture. Not much difference though... there's only so much I can do with the built-in cupboards on one side of the room and the 2 doors and window. It's only a slight change but it's better than nothing!

Oh, and today, I finally got rid of all (or most) of the accumulated junk that we stored for so long for charity. I contacted the Raleigh newsletter and told them that I had loads of items for jumble sale. However, since no one was doing any jumble sale fundraising at the moment, the Fundraising Director, Joe Quah mentioned that I could donate it to a jumble sale going on at his campus, IMU next month. So Mum and I packed up boxes and bags full of magazines, books, clothes, and all sorts of knick knacks. The entire boot was filled! He really seems like a nice guy =D I'd have tried to get to know him better, but I'm not an active member of Raleigh... pity =( LOL... what would Ozee say to this?

Anyway, there's not much else to say except that I'm sooooooo dead. I'm what Ozee referred to as an 'RO freak' again. I spend my days and nights sometimes until 5 am just to play. I hope I'm over it pretty soon once classes start.

Mood : Really tired but still haven't had enough of RO yet... but I made myself promise to quit before 4 am. 12 minutes to go!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The end is near...

My holidays are ending T_T

There's going to be quite a lot of change next semester. The main change? My boyfriend's finally leaving. Yes, he passed his exam. I feel so happy for him =D He sounds like he's been in a very good mood the entire day, which is rare for him. I'm glad.
A lot happened today for me as well. Not too much but it's considered to be a lot better than yesterday's whole day of painting.
I went to KL to buy my RAM today. I not only bought RAM, but a new 80gbz HDD as well!!! It costed me RM222 but I'm sooooo happy about it. Unfortunately, I won't be using it yet. Coz I don't know how to install it. Same goes for the RAM. I mean I know how but the slots are just so tight I'd rather leave it for Ozee to handle.
I also bought 4 new tops. Nothing fancy. 1 pink sleeveless shirt, 2 plain white tees and 1 plain black tees. Figured might as well get them since I'm always complaining I can't find my white tee.
Then before I got on the bus home, I called Ozee and found out that he passed =) I was eager to find out about my results too but he told me to check it only in a few hours because the server was constantly having problems as usual.
When I got home, I managed to check my results after a lot of attempts... but boy, was it worth it. I was thrilled. My cgpa dropped but only by very little. It was previously 3.85, but it went down to 3.846. As for my gpa, it took a nice jump upwards! From a 3.75 to 3.846... funny how my gpa and cgpa looks similar. But I still have my Corporate Finance to worry about later.
Oh, I also managed to fix my PC after that... guess where I'm typing this from? =D All I had to do was to run Windows XP and fix the OS. Thank god I remembered to buy the cd today. I was going to finish painting my room today as well, but unfortunately, I ran out of masking tape just about a metre away from the end. So first thing tomorrow, I shall head out to buy more. And I need to buy jelly too! The I'll be back to finish my room up. The sooner I get it done the better. I still have to start moving everything back into my room.
And at night, I started playing RO again. The Aussie version. Their's is new and more importantly, free!!! But it lags because the server is over there =( Hope I don't get too addicted though. But I am addicted enough to be playing now at 3.20 a.m. Oh well... enjoying it while it's free!!!

That's it... quite a lot to digest =P

Mood : Feeling hungry at the moment...Going to look for food.

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