Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Friday, December 10, 2004

Of Ragnarok addiction........yes, again

So far I've pretty much spent at least 70% of my holidays on RO. Gaming, surfing the websites, getting RO products... geez, I'm sinking deep into the addiction hole again.

But it's getting to be more fun than it ever was before. Back at ERO, I had a few friends here and there, sometimes stuck to a usual group. But here, I seem to be meeting people everywhere. Of course, this has its pro and cons.
On the happy end, I'm constantly having 1 group or 1 friend to be with at almost all times. I get to jump around knowing I'm always with someone. I get to sit around and chat, which is basically what I do most of the time anyway. Meet interesting people. Hmmm, I guess it's kinda nice to know that someone out there likes you enough to want to walk to you =)
On the con side however, I'm getting way too addicted. I sit behind the PC almost the entire day, both mum and dad are getting pretty pissed with my attitude. I only pop out of my room for some food, and occasionally make an appearence downstairs although I get bored quick enough and leave. Then there's the problem where I might be doing something wrong when I lightly flirt with guys on RO. I mean no harm, guys do it to me too. I just didn't realise that some might take it seriously. I'm not sure how serious, but if Moon is willing to buy me a prepaid card, that's already too serious for my liking. /swt.

The funniest thing happened though. I accidentally flirted with the wrong guy =P Not totally wrong, just that, RO is safe in the sense that when I flirt, it's totally anonymous. These people are aussies, or kiwis, highly unlikely I'd ever meet them. Even if I wanted to that'd be kinda hard =P So there came the time when I made a slight mistake. A priest said to me... "What are you doing sitting there?" outside of Payon. All I could think of was "Waiting for you to hit on me". It was cool at first, I tanked his merchant and then he tanked my aco... so all's fine. Just another friend on my list. But then... horror of horrors, he led me to think he was and aussie...from Perth! Same time zone and all... when he was actually a Malaysian /swt. What a scary thought. When I merajuk after finding out, he even said he'd call me on the phone to pujuk =P *sigh* cute but that's why Malaysians are a no no =P

The biggest problem for me now is the xmas present situation. Too many people to give presents out to T_T. How am I going to afford them? T_T (must stop crying! Scott accuses me of crying too much LOL) The idea was pretty simple at first.... I only had to give about 3-5 presents. But now, I'd feel guilty if I didn't give them out to the others. I haven't even made a list out yet... which I need to, coz I don't want anybody left out.

Oh well, update on the whole RO situation. Neal or B1's the latest friend I have that I constantly want to chat with although I'm pissing him off with my attitude =P Flea's kewl, but I hardly get to talk to her, even less so now that I've left both her guilds. Scott's constantly missing, his PC's screwed up again. Moon's being sweet, but really possesive that it annoys Neal, kinda funny though. Kev, sweet boi, is strangely enough bumping into me more than Moon is. But he's always trying to guard me from other guys for Moon... but I found it funny that they were trying to see who got to me first. LOL. I wonder if it's supposed to be funny or insulting? Haven't seen mister_frodo in quite a bit. Maybe coz he's always partying my other account so he doesn't know much about this one. I think the last one to name would be zeradevil, or zeradestructor... or watever his nick is. It's long and confusing...*sigh* That'd be the Malaysian guy, I know nothing about him though. But he's always around at specific times and I'll probably see him around.

Ok, I guess that's all. My life must be pretty pathetic to spend an entire poting on RO but I can't help it. That's all I do these days and that's what makes me really happy these days.

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