Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Just a quick update...

I think we're pretty much considered to be a couple now. After having told him about possibly being hit on by another guy, and having a long talk (rather he was the one talking and I was just wondering when I could run off) about him not wanting me to wait for him, we somehow came to the agreement that we were really together ><. Weird yeah, there were so many twists and turns that my uncertainty about us changed to being confirmed wanting to wait for him at least for awhile to get to know him better, and then wanting to break up again, and finally being confirmed to be a couple. Ah well.... c'est la vie.

CY, Kogila, Montha and I had dinner at Telepon =) Had a great time there. Ate 2 ice creams, the 2nd one being extremely large lol. There goes my diet once again.

My birthday came and went... surprisingly had quite a number of well wishers this year. Birthdays are something that tends to slip past quietly usually for me. Jin wasn't aware that he had actually called on my birthday, and still isn't. Ironically, he thought we were the same age (I'm a year older) and had he called the day before instead of having lost the phone card, the question of the age, had it been brought up then would have a different answer. He still isn't aware of my birthday because I haven't mentioned anything about it yet to him. I don't think I plan on doing that.

I'm growing quite fond of him, I think... but I wonder how much of it is just play. One thing I can never tell about online relationships or friendships is that you don't know how true or how real anything is. Even I can't tell if my own feelings are real. I do yearn for him in a way but is it just cause he's not here? I'm wondering if our, or at least my feelings would have been different in other circumstances. No distance between us, no waiting period, no fascination of opposite attractions. I guess I'll only have more answers after we actually meet up.

Oh yeah, I finally got some photos of him. He really is the wild type, so unlike me in many ways. The first photo he sent had his face painted =P It was taken in some sort of birthday party. I don't think I'd do things like that, or I might but boy, will I regret it in years to come! Especially if there's physical evidence of having done it, exposed to the world to see! The other photo really gave me an impression of him being a gangster lol. Serious sulk, laser-shooting eyes, cigarette in hand.... hmm, really just a bunch of small indications that would make one think that he was going to beat the crap out of someone. Constantly, he keeps asking me whether I could fall for someone like him. Technically, I already have but I suppose it would have been pretty hard had I known him in person from the start. I suppose I am shallow... he admits to not liking people who judge books by their covers. So how would I fit in? But anyway, knowing him for who is first before knowing who I would have thought him to be makes me feel even more affectionate about him =)

I think I'd be swept of my feet over such a guy if he remains the way he is now. Although generally, my head pretty much tells me no such thing is going to happen. One thing I admire about him though is the way he follows his heart more than his head. People like him, in my opinion would probably live life to the fullest.

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