Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Latest update - Progress on list

Okey... so there were previously 9 events on my list which I wanted done by this holidays.

I've just remembered, no.10 - LEARN TO DRIVE!!!
Although I remembered no.10, I see no chance in getting it done. My eagerness to drive has diminished once again. But let's move on to the others.

1. Revamp my room
Apart from having removed the stuffed toys from one corner to my bro's room, nothing else has been done. I'll be lucky if I manage to even clean up half the junk in this room by the end of the holidays. But here's some before pics of my room. I'll take more once the junk is cleared.

2. Go shopping
This is one event I aim to achieve!!! Let's see, mum took me to Ikea on Wed (2 days ago) where I bought a new set of mirrors for my room, some clips and photo frames. Yesterday, I went to Pyramid on my own in the morning, but couldn't find much stuff that I found interesting, so I only bought a blouse. Today it was MidV. Didn't spend much time looking at clothes, but I did get 2 sets of underwear and 1 bra for 10 bucks each... should have bought more T_T. And of course I bought Rory's new home... I do want to get some add-ons though, but the next time I'll be at MidV, the sale will be over. Maybe I'll check out the Petaling Street pet shop. Oh, I plan to go to LowYat for some pc stuff, maybe on Monday. Then I can pop into Sg Wang... my shopping haven!!!

3. Fix PC
That would be during the Low Yat trip. On my mind (but not having a matching wallet) I want to get some new RAM, HDD, fix my graphics card and buy some blank cds.

4. Bf quality time
Don't really see that happening, apart from the LowYat trip. No holiday, no dates... life sure is hard.

5. Self-revamp
... thought over it, gave myself some advice, doubt I'll follow any of it

6. Study CF
The paper is a looooooong way from now... relax.

7. Play Neopets
Hah! Instead of Neopets, I'm back on gunbound once again. But I'm still doing the daily routines, just not playing any games. And surprisingly, jadeniha is doing well. Melsism managed to get an icetravaganza scratchcard and gave it to jadeniha. 4.6mil nps and counting...

8. Buy Rory's new home

9. DL n burn
Managed to get my 1st episode of One Tree Hill today!!! Buffy's doing fine but don't think I can finish up anytime soon.

10. Driving???
Ermmm... eheheh... no comment.

Mood : Wow... I really got a lot more to do, haven't I? Staring at it makes me feel tired... *YAWN*

Fatty's New Home - CritterTrailX!!!

I'm so exited with her new home.

Rory looks so cute in it that I feel like buying a whole bunch of other hamsters (but not now coz she'll probably kill them T_T) as well as more cages to connect them all together =D
It looks really great... got it from MidV today, Pet's Wonderland was having a sale. At first, I wanted to get the RM 80 cage (before discount). It was of a nicer colour, with red, blue, yellow... the colours were cuter I guess. But then this one costed RM 98. The base of the cage was similar... only difference was that this one has a special wheel on top while the other has the basic wheel. Thing was... I wanted to put in add-ons later, so the basic one would have been fine... but... then I found the price of that special wheel on top. Alone, it costed RM45... so I bought the RM98 one instead.
I've included some pics of her 'miserable old home' (with holes in each corner!!!) as well as the new one.

At first I was worried because she didn't seem to like her new home. She (being the fatty that she is) seemed terrified of the tunnels so she refused to go to the wheel on top n the side tunnel. Furthermore, she kept digging the corners of the cage as well as some other parts of the cage... god forbid if I find more holes!!! But now, apart from the occasional digging, she seems perfectly happy to be running up and down all over the place... ahhh... I want more tunnels!!!

Mood : Pretty entertained by the Rory in her new home but the scratching and biting sounds can get a bit annoying

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Yo Ho It's the Holi-holi-holidays!!!

Well, it finally came. And as usual, I'll have to make a list about things to do during my 3 weeks break.

Things to do:

1. Revamp my bedroom (or at least paint it)
2. Go shopping!!!!
3. Do something about my pc (at least try settling the network card first, oh, and RAM too...)
4. Spend time with Ozee :X:X:X
5. Self-evaluation and revamp (this is gonna be a pain in the ass)
6. Study Corporate Finance? (My first supp!!! Woohoo.... maybe I'll be taking another supp next sem too, considering how busy my schedule's going to be)
7. Play neopets (I aim for jadeniha to achieve 5mil by the end of the hols...possible? Dunno...)
8. Buy a new home for Rory
9. Download... and BURN!!!!!

That's all I can think of for the moment :)
Happy holidays!!!

Mood : Neutral... I'm glad Tink's not fluttering around in my head at the moment

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