Footsteps on the beach

The journey of my life as I walk along. If time and tide fades all memories, perhaps some will remain scattered along my path...

Location: Malaysia

Sunday, October 03, 2004


My memory seems to be fading on the events of the past few days...

Anyway, I think I'd rather not think so much about the past few days. But here's an inkling of my events for yesterday.
It was Saturday. CY and I hopped on the bus to head down to KL. She needed to get her bus ticket and I needed to get Ozee's cap and to change my hdd. After getting her tickets, we went to eat =D and then went to buy chopsticks (I can't believe I kept forgetting to get those for Ozee!!!) It was quite an important present for him because it was something he didn't have there, and he was so proud of himself when he learned how to use it =P Then later, we stopped by at Watsons. T_T They were selling the puppy I bought for Ozee for only RM24.90. And I bought it for RM29.90!!! Not only that, the jumbo doggie he bought for me for RM49.90 was only RM29.90. Ish!!!

Next, we took a bus down to Sg Wang. On the way to the atm, we saw a Digi event going at Sg Wang's concourse. I won a free Swenson's ice cream!!! Yummy!!! I bought a bikini there, not that I'll ever wear it but I still like owning it. My main purpose of the trip... Ozee's Manchester United cap! I thought that I'd be able to find it in BB Plaza's al-Ikhsan branch but I was wrong. But what I did find was that there was another sports shop nearby selling the Man Utd jersey for RM199 as opposed to al-Ikhsan's RM219. I plan to get that for his birthday =) Anyway, since we still haven't found the cap, I thought I once saw a Man Utd shop over in Lot 10 so that was our next destination. Walked all the way there only to find that it was non-existent. But then we went over to Hytex (Nike) Studio in KL Plaza and found the cap there. Furthermore, it was cheap. They reduced the price from RM59 to RM39. I think the extra savings I made have to go into my piggy bank for his birthday present which I'll be taking ages to save up for.

Later, we headed over to Low Yat. I got my hdd changed. I even got it checked but when I tried to installed it at night, I still had problems with it. I hope there's nothing wrong with my PC. And the hdd too!!! I'm worried about having to change it again... coz I've already changed it once and I got it checked before taking it. Wouldn't that indicate that I'm either spoiling it or there's something wrong with my pc causing it all to be broken? Anyway, I also bought a new stack of blank cds and a cdrw. Man, those were heavy T_T

And then... it was shopping therapy time! Went to Sg Wang to shop. Saw a lovely bag but it costed RM50. Both of us wanted it but decided against it because it was too expensive. But I did manage to buy a top, a denim skirt and shorts. That place was really crowded... I think it was because it was a Saturday. After that, we went to Petaling Street. CY was looking for a watch for her ex. We ended up finding more watches that we liked for ourselves instead of for him. She didn't buy any but I bought one. I wish I could have bought more, but I had already spent quite a lot. There were a lot of nice watches.

We took away McDs for dinner and caught the 8.30 bus. During the trip back, something weird happened. My top, which was new (hadn't worn it before even though I bought it ages ago), had spagetthi straps. They were loose and kept falling off my shoulders. Anyway, at one point, when it fell, I turned to CY and told her how irritating those straps were. Then, this Indian guy behind just popped up and said, no, they looked very nice. He kept on talking, and although I didn't want to, I replied. He insisted that I was from Vietnam and kept on asking for my phone number, which I refused. Anyway, after awhile, both of us ran to the seats in front of us to avoid him. When the bus made stops, I kept checking for him hoping to see him leave. CY was afraid that he'd stop at our stop. He got off at Streetmall, and CY asked, is that him? I looked at the back of the guy who got down and I said that I didn't think so. But suddenly, he turned around and gave this creepy smile at me. Ewwwwww!!!! I turned my head instantly to face CY. She said that he also gave us a goodbye wave before the bus left...

That night, I told Ozee about it. And even he called that guy creepy =P Hmm... as mentioned, I tried putting in my hdd but it wouldn't start. Hopefully, if I do bring it over to Ash tonight, he can get it working.

Oh yeah, I remembered what it was I wanted to say about the day before. Larry came over to get my German dictionary. He then found out that Ozee has left. And we ended up talking for over an hour. I thought it was really nice to have someone to talk to about stuff in general. But then, yesterday night, while chatting with Ozee, I was also chatting with Larry. And I was starting to get scared of something. I remembered that there was once when someone told me that Larry liked me. I wonder if it was Ozee who brought that up? Anyway, i got scared. Especially since Larry's been talking to me more suddenly, seems to be really helpful (offered to help me with the hdd) and even offered to take me out for a movie. It may have been just being nice and polite, he said if I was bored or lonely, he could belanja me a movie. But I'm still starting to feel a bit uncomfortable around him. So for the moment, I may try to avoid him a little. Talking to him once every few days is fine, but not everyday. So I'm invincible for today! But I find myself being quite scared about the thought of guys these days. Heck, I've already considered trying not to talk to Larry, and maybe even Ash. But I can't work on my hdd on my own, so I still need help. I hope I get over this sense of insecurity soon. My actions seems really stupid and childish to me but it's something I may need to do while I try to get over Ozee.

Mood : Scared and lonely

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